
Thanks for volunteering to be a team captain. It’s a key role but without you doing this we would not be able to play our game. The role can present a number of challenges but usually these are far exceeded by the the buzz of playing hockey with a great group of players.

A successful team is one that is always well organised off the pitch as well as on it. We recognise this and provide as much support as possible to make your captaincy as pain-free as possible.

Playing Committee

As a team captain you are a member of the Club’s Playing Committee. It brings together all Club volunteers who are involved, directly or indirectly, in the delivery of Club hockey. This group meets regularly through the season. The Playing Committee’s chairs are very experienced and they will help you if you ask.

Leading & managing your team

The Club provides all the detailed information you will need to lead and manage your team off the pitch. We do this in two ways using Checklists and by a one-off email to Captains:

  1. Captain’s Checklists for your essential team admin.
  2. Covid-19.
First Aid

St John’s Ambulance advice to those providing first aid.

Young People in Your team – Safeguarding

You will have U18 players in your team. As a Club we have set out the safeguarding practices and procedures you must follow to ensure that they will all be safe and protected.

Reporting an incident/accident

Club Emergency Safety procedures

To report an incident or accident use the Club Incident/Accident Reporting form.

Copyright © 2020 Sidmouth & Ottery Hockey Club. All rights reserved.