To join the Club go here
Senior | £125 |
Students in full-time education & apprentices | £78 |
Juniors playing senior league matches | £78 |
Juniors | £60 |
Rusty & Recreational | £60 |
Family membership | 10% reduction (See note) |
Associate/Social | £23 |
*The Club applies its Membership Subs & Match Fees policy. Please refer to the Club Documents page.
The Annual Membership year runs from 1st Nov-31st Oct the following year. For Junior & Rusty members the membership year runs from 1st Sept-31st Aug. Membership fees must be paid by 31st Oct annually.
If a player plays for the Club from the beginning of the season and fails to pay their Membership Sub by 31st Oct, a late fee will be added to their annual sub and they will not be able to enjoy the privileges of membership. This means they will be ineligible to train or be selected for league games until their Membership Sub is paid.
Seniors | £11 |
Students & juniors playing senior league matches | £7 |
Juniors playing junior tournaments | £5 |