Sidmouth & Ottery Hockey Club – Season start not far off!
Welcome back SOHC members – hope you have all had a relaxing, fun summer and are looking forward to another season of hockey.
Some important dates for your diaries are listed below.
We are running two Club Days again this season; everyone is welcome on either day whether you’re a player or parent:
Adults and those playing senior hockey: 1st September 2018 from 10:30am to 12:30pm at Sidmouth Sports Centre. You are all welcome to dust off your stick bags and get back into the swing of things. It’s great way to ease into the season and mix as a club.
All U16s: Sun 2nd September 2018, 10:00-11:00 (Boys); 11:00-12:00 (Girls), Sidmouth Sports Centre.
Senior Training.
Men’s training begins Tuesday 4th September 2018; 19:30-21:00 (All teams); 21:00-21:30 1sts & 2nds, Ottery Sports Centre
Ladies training begins Wednesday 5th September 2018; 18:30-19:30 (3rds & 4ths); 19:30-20:30 (1sts & 2nds), Ottery Sports Centre
We have Paul Newman joining us to coach the ladies this season. This is a great opportunity for the ladies section to improve collectively as teams. We are very fortunate to have Paul this season so make the most out of your training!
The men will be coached and fine-tuned again by Steve Ellison, we are welcoming anyone who would like to take up coaching through the club so do get in touch.
We still have some captaincy vacancies that need filling soon. We know some of you have done your stint so this is really to appeal to club members who have not yet done so. If you play regularly and are approached, please consider stepping up and helping your team and club out for a season or two. We will be using Teamer as this has made the captain’s role lot easier, plus you are supplied with a captains handbook with all you need to know. If you are interested please contact Sturdy ( ASAP.
Junior Academy
Junior Academy is for ALL juniors aged 6-16 years including U16s playing senior hockey.
10:00-11:00 Boys; 11:00-12:00 Girls:
9th Sept – 14th Oct (Sidmouth); 4th Nov – 9th Dec (Ottery); 6th Jan – 10th Feb (Sidmouth); 3rd March – 31st March (Ottery).
Rusty Hockey will also be running again this season during the 10:00-11:00 session on Sundays starting on 9th September, venues as above.
We are always looking for helpers for the Junior Academy on a Sunday, or to help with one of the age group teams, whether parents or players, anyone can contribute. If you think you can help, please contact Becky at
That’s all folks!
From the committee, Becky and I, happy hockey 2018-19
Sturdy & Becky, Playing Committee & Junior Committee Chairs