Thank you for supporting Sidmouth & Ottery Hockey Club Junior Academy this year. We hope you/your child has enjoyed the experience, improved their skills and made some good friends in the process.
We are holding an Awards Evening for our juniors on Friday 31st March 2017, 17:45 at Sidmouth Cricket Club, The Fortfield, Sidmouth. We aim to start promptly at 18:00. We’ll be handing out some certificates on the night, so it would be great to see as many folks as possible.
The club relies on the time and support of parents and keen hockey players to help run the teams and organise training. If you think you could help in anyway do please let us know – it could be taking registers at training or helping make cakes to raise funds at the training sessions. There are options to help with the hockey too. Courses are available to introduce you to hockey and the club can sponsor a small number of people to attend. Or if you have other skills which may not be sporty there are always some committee/other positions available.
This year we are looking in particular for an U12 boys team manager for next season – this involves organising the team and communications in the run up to tournaments as well as attending the event on the day, with support from a hockey player. There are around 6 tournaments a year.
If you think you can help or would like to find out more about what it might involve please respond to Karen Dutton e-mail: sidmouthandotteryhc@live.co.uk