Important advice on COVID-19


In light of the guidance received from England Hockey and the latest Government advice, we have prepared the following statement reinforcing the key points, and we would ask you to read and act on.

We will continue with hockey until advised otherwise by Government or our Men’s and Women’s leagues. The current guidance from the leagues is to carry on and follow widely available public health guidance, although there are some specific points that the Women’s League have highlighted; these are noted below. Please note this is also relevant to attendance at training/Junior Academy.

THE SHORT VERSION (further details are in a longer version below):

  • IF YOU ARE FEELING UNWELL, EVEN WITH MILD SYMPTOMS e.g. a high temperature and a continuous cough, PLEASE DON’T COME TO HOCKEY
  • Refrain from shaking hands before and after the game, alternatives are suggested below
  • Wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds, in accordance with Public Health England advice.

We have asked the leagues to clarify what happens when large numbers of players or officials self-isolate putting fixtures at risk due to lack of availability. We await a response.

You can read the EH guidance here:

Latest Public Health Guidance:

This is not intended to be a doom and gloom message, but hopefully a sensible reinforcement of good hygiene practices and responsible decision making that will keep us as safe and well as we can be under the circumstances.

Stay well. Kind regards,


Steve Ellison, Chair 

THE LONGER VERSION (including a specific interpretation from the Women’s League).

– if you are feeling unwell, even if you only have mild symptoms e.g. a high temperature and a continuous cough, please follow the latest Government advice to self-isolate and not take part in hockey-related activities. This applies to players, coaches, umpires, team managers, assistants and parents.

– the Women’s league have been quite specific that you should NOT participate in league matches if you or your immediate family have returned from countries where coronavirus is widespread.

– please follow the good hygiene advice around hand washing, coughing and sneezing (tricky in a GK helmet admittedly) as issued by public health authorities. We have contacted both venues to request they ensure sufficient hygiene products (soap, hand sanitisers etc.) and working hand driers or towels are available.

– the traditional handshake at the start and end of the game can be substituted with a stick-tap between players or just a smile and a “thank you” would be sufficient.

– if you are holding club kit (GK kit) in particular where it is shared/used by more than one person, please make sure it is cleaned. If you need to purchase wipes or sanitiser for this purpose we will cover the cost. If it is your own GK kit, face mask, other safety equipment or whistles we would encourage everyone to make sure it is clean and do not share it/ask to use other people’s kit.


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